To the Treasures of Yesteryear
Construction site
-Admiring, novice then initiated by my husband who has a good knowledge of the market and the history of Art,
I have, over time, made the choice to combine this passion with a new professional path.
My virtual shop is the fruit of these years as collectors.
You won't find an item app to choose from, a shopping cart to fill, or a payment to make online.
The person interested in one of my Treasures will have to deal directly with me, both to obtain more information and to conclude the purchase.
- The packages will be carefully prepared by me and then shipped by carrierconscientious (Insurance transport costs included)
It will be more pleasant for me to get to know you and to deliver your object to you personally.
I want to keep as many exchanges as possible in order to establish a relationship of trust.
Good visit
N° SIRET : 951 877 281 00018
Inscrite au R.C.S LE MANS
Adresse Siège social :
Place Raphaël Elize
Passage Saint Martin